September 27, 2010

up up and awayyy

My custom calling cards just arrived in the mail today! They're simplistic and modern and almost too beautiful to hand out! A lovely lady by the name of Julie, owner of Up Up Creative, designed and printed these for me -- you can see and purchase her works on her Etsy shop here. She also makes the most adorable (and quirky) greeting cards, stationary, and wedding invites, along with lots of other paper goods and printables.

Anyway, I suggest getting yourself some calling/blogging/twittering/whatever-it-is-you're-doing cards, as they seem to be back in fashion. It's a cute and kitschy way of exchanging info and they definitely beat scrawling your number on a crumpled bar napkin or the back of a hand. Plus, they make you look like you're kind of a big deal...


Will Butler said...

Where's mine?

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