September 30, 2011

Sassy and Stache-y

Mustache party? Yes please!
I was recently invited to a themed house warming party for two of my lovely coworkers. I have a mild obsession with beards and mustaches (moustaches if you're fancy) so I couldn't wait to create a cupcake homage to my favorite facial accessory.

Pink and black fondant on Bailey's buttercream and chocolate cake.

Fu Manchu! Handlebar! Yes!

September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday!

My blog turned one year old yesterday!

It's amazing to see the progression of my baking endeavors and to see, in my photos, how much I've learned and grown as a baker. The hours spent being covered in flour and buttercream kneading fondant till my hands were numb are most definitely worth it.
I'm proud of my product and my heart swells every time I see the delight in a friend's face when he or she first opens that cardboard box.


Perhaps some celebratory baking is in order.

Thanks for reading ♥
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